Thursday, August 27, 2009


What is/are your major(s)/minor(s)?
Major - Business

Why are you taking this class? What are you most looking forward to?
I'm taking this class in order to be more familiar with digital photography and I'm also interested in the class topics. I looking forward to the field trips, and the many projects that we will complete in the course.

How comfortable are you with (please be specific and elaborate):
Macs? a little, I know my way around with them but im not an expert user.
Scanners? very comfortable, depends on the scanner though
Printers? very comfortable
Photoshop? I know a few photoshop tricks, but I'm not expert
Digital Cameras? I <3 them. I can usually figure any camera out in a matter of seconds.
MP3 Players? I have one, I use them a lot and I'm used to working with them.
Contemporary Art? I like it, I don't know any art history or artist though.
the Internet (surfing, finding things)? Expert, if it's on the web I'll find it.
Web site creation (PageMaker, DreamWeaver, HTML, other)? Never used them.
Digital Music creation? I have used a few music making programs, like Reason and FruityLoops
Flash animation? Never done any
Drawing? I do a lot of drawing.
Blogging? I don't have a problem with blogging, but i do take up a lot of time doing it.

What are your top hobbies, interests, philosophies that you might use to make art in this course?
I have a lot of interest in media arts, urban art. I like things like martial arts and La Parkour/Free running. I spend most of my time studying various Martial arts, playing video games, and spending time on the web.

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